turning away
v. 转变方向;转变方向
[网络] 转过身去;于是我转身离开;边转身离开
- She was very quiet and shy, turning away whenever she saw him glancing her way.
她非常得文静和害羞,转过脸无论何时当她看到他的看她时。 - He died almost immediately. The men's faces were white as they looked down at his body. I saw something move on the hill, and noticed, among the trees, a man with a gun, turning away from the road.
他几乎马上就死了,当他们俯视着他的尸体时,他们的脸像纸一样苍白。我看见小山上有什么东西在移动,并透过树丛注意到有一个带枪的人从路上跑开了。 - He sighed, turning away and surveying the sea
他叹口气,转身远眺大海。 - At a time when nations such as China and Germany are increasing investment in their research bases, Britain is turning away some of the people it needs the most.
在中国和德国增加投资以用于科研设施建设与人才吸引的同时,英国却在拒绝那些国家迫切需求的人。 - Again, when the evil-doer, turning away from the evil he has done, does what is ordered and right, he will have life for his soul.
再者,恶人若回头离开所行的恶,行正直与合理的事,他必将性命救活了。 - Turning away from those who care too much.
离开那太情深夫人人。 - 'Ah, when? God knows!' he said, and turning away from her, walked rapidly away.
哼,什么时候?天知道!他说着,迅速转身走了。 - Turning away or in the opposite direction.
转过去或在相反的方向。 - Other store assistants react by averting their gaze and turning away.
其他商店助理作出反应,避免他们的目光和回避。 - So all the men of israel, turning away from david, went after sheba, the son of bichri: but the men of Judah were true to their king, going with him from Jordan as far as jerusalem.